
Do Ultra Beasts Register In Pokedex

This folio lists every Pokemon bachelor in Pokemon: Allow'southward Go, Pikachu! And Permit'southward Go, Eevee! This will also serve as a quick-reference guide for Pokemon locations and candy earned by catching them.


Jump to the bottom to see

  • Alola Form Pokemon
  • Pokemon past Type

Kanto Pokedex

Note that Pokemon may appear in more locations than listed below. To encounter more, please visit their individual Pokemon folio by clicking on the proper name or epitome.

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
#001 Bulbasaur #002 Ivysaur #003 Venusaur
Viridian Wood Evolution But Evolution Only
Drops Smart Candy Courage/Smart Backbone/Smart
4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg
#004 Charmander #005 Charmeleon #006 Charizard
Route 3 Evolution Only Road 1 - Route 25 (Later on condign Champion)
Quick Processed Quick/Smart Smart Candy
7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg
#007 Squirtle #008 Wartortle #009 Blastoise
Route 24 Evolution But Evolution Only
Tough Candy Courage/Tough Courage Candy
10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg
#010 Caterpie #011 Metapod #012 Butterfree
Road two Viridian Forest Viridian Forest
Health Processed Tough Candy Courage/Smart
13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg
#013 Weedle #014 Kakuna #015 Beedrill
Route 2 Viridian Woods Viridian Woods
Quick Candy Tough Candy Backbone/Mighty
Pidgey.jpg Pidgeotto.jpg Pidgeot.jpg
#016 Pidgey #017 Pidgeotto #018 Pidgeot
Route 1 Road 5 Route 5
Quick Candy Quick Processed Quick Candy
19.jpg 20.jpg
#019 Rattata #020 Raticate
Route ane Route 11
Quick Candy Quick Candy
21.jpg 22.jpg
#021 Spearow #022 Fearow
Route 22 Route 9
Quick Candy Quick Candy
23.jpg 24.jpg
#023 Ekans #024 Arbok
Route 3 (Eevee Only) Evolution Only
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
25.jpg 26.jpg
#025 Pikachu #026 Raichu
Viridian Wood Evolution Only
Quick Candy Quick Processed
27.jpg 28.jpg
#027 Sandshrew #028 Sandslash
Road 3 (Pikachu Only) Development Only
Tough Candy Tough Candy
29.jpg 30.jpg 31.jpg
#029 Nidoran (f) #030 Nidorina #031 Nidoqueen
Road 22 Route 9 Route 23
Wellness Candy Health Candy Health Candy
#032 Nidoran (yard) #033 Nidorino #034 Nidoking
Route 22 Road 9 Route 23
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
35.jpg 36.jpg
#035 Clefairy #036 Clefable
Mt. Moon Mt. Moon
Health Candy Wellness Candy
37.jpg 38.jpg
#037 Vulpix #038 Ninetales
Route five (Eevee Only) Evolution Only
Quick Processed Courage/Quick
39.jpg 40.jpg
#039 Jigglypuff #040 Wigglytuff
Road v Evolution Only
Wellness Processed Wellness Candy
41.jpg 42.jpg
#041 Zubat #042 Golbat
Mt. Moon Rock Tunnel
Quick Candy Quick Candy
43.jpg 44.jpg 45.jpg
#043 Oddish #044 Gloom #045 Vileplume
Route 1 (Pikachu Only) Road 12 (Pikachu Only) Road 21 (Pikachu Only)
Smart Candy Smart Processed Smart Candy
46.jpg 47.jpg
#046 Paras #047 Parasect
Mt. Moon Evolution Simply
Mighty/Tough Mighty/Tough
48.jpg 49.jpg
#048 Venonat #049 Venomoth
Road 24 Road fourteen
Courage Candy Quick/Smart
50.jpg 51.jpg
#050 Diglett #051 Dugtrio
Diglett'due south Cavern Diglett's Cave
Quick Candy Quick Candy
52.jpg 53.jpg
#052 Meowth #053 Persian
Route 24

(Eevee Only)

Evolution Only OR

Vermilion City Souvenir (Pikachu Merely)

Quick Processed Quick Processed
54.jpg 55.jpg
#054 Psyduck #055 Golduck
Road 4 Cerulean Cave
Smart Candy Smart Candy
56.jpg 57.jpg
#056 Mankey #057 Primeape
Route 3 (Pikachu But) Development Only
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
58.jpg 59.jpg
#058 Growlithe #059 Arcanine
Route five

(Pikachu Only)

Road seven (Pikachu But) OR Vermilion Urban center Souvenir (Eevee Only)
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
60.jpg 61.jpg 62.jpg
#060 Poliwag #061 Poliwhirl #062 Poliwrath
Route 22

(Water Run across)

Route 22 (Water) Cerulean Cavern (Water)
Quick Processed Quick Candy Tough Candy
63.jpg 64.jpg 65.jpg
#063 Abra #064 Kadabra #065 Alakazam
Road 5 Road 7 Evolution Merely
Smart Candy Smart Candy Smart Processed
66.jpg 67.jpg 68.jpg
#066 Machop #067 Machoke #068 Machamp
Rock Tunnel Victory Route Evolution Simply
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
69.jpg 70.jpg Victreebel.jpg
#069 Bellsprout #070 Weepinbell #071 Victreebel
Route 1 (Eevee Only) Route 12 (Eevee Only) Route 21

(Eevee Merely)

Mighty Candy Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
72.jpg 73.jpg
#072 Tentacool #073 Tentacruel
Route iv (Water) Route 4 (Water)
Backbone Candy Backbone Processed
74.jpg 75.jpg 76.jpg
#074 Geodude #075 Graveler #076 Golem
Mt. Moon Rock Tunnel Evolution Simply
Tough Candy Tough Candy Tough Processed
77.jpg 78.jpg
#077 Ponyta #078 Rapidash
Route 17 Route 17
Quick Candy Quick Processed
79.jpg 80.jpg
#079 Slowpoke #080 Slowbro
Seafoam Islands Seafoam Islands
Wellness Candy Tough Candy
81.jpg 82.jpg
#081 Magnemite #082 Magneton
Power Found Power Plant
Smart Candy Smart Processed
#083 Farfetch'd -
Route 12
Mighty Candy
84.jpg 85.jpg
#084 Doduo #085 Dodrio
Route 16 Road sixteen
Mighty Candy Mighty Candy
86.jpg 87.jpg
#086 Seel #087 Dewgong
Seafoam Islands Seafoam Islands
Backbone Candy Courage Candy
88.jpg 89.jpg
#088 Grimer #089 Muk
Power Plant (Pikachu Only) Power Plant (Pikachu Only)
Health Candy Health/Mighty
90.jpg 91.jpg
#090 Shellder #091 Cloyster
Seafoam Islands (Water) Seafoam Islands (Water)
Tough Candy Tough Processed
Gastly.jpg 93.jpg 94.jpg
#092 Gastly #093Haunter #094 Gengar
Pokemon Tower Pokemon Tower Development Simply
Smart Processed Smart Candy Smart Candy
95.jpg -
#095 Onix -
Mt. Moon
Tough Processed
96.jpg 97.jpg
#096Drowzee #097 Hypno
Road 11 Development Only
Backbone Candy Courage Candy
98.jpg 99.jpg
#098 Krabby #099 Kingler
Road 10 Route 12
Mighty Candy Mighty Processed
100.jpg 101.jpg
#100 Voltorb #101 Electrode
Ability Institute Ability Plant
Quick Candy Quick Candy
102.jpg 103.jpg
#102 Exeggcute #103 Exeggutor
Route 23 Road 23
Tough Processed Smart Candy
104.jpg 105.jpg
#104 Cubone #105 Marowak
Rock Tunnel Evolution Only
Tough Processed Tough Processed
#106 Hitmonlee -
Saffron Urban center Dojo
Mighty Processed
#107 Hitmonchan -
Saffron City Dojo
Courage Candy
#108 Lickitung -
Cerulean Cavern
Health Candy
109.jpg 110.jpg
#109 Koffing #110 Weezing
Ability Plant (Eevee Only) Power Plant (Eevee Only)
Tough Candy Tough Candy
111.jpg -112.jpg
#111 Rhyhorn #112Rhydon
Rock Tunnel Victory Road
Tough Candy Mighty Candy
#113 Chansey -
Road v
Health Candy
#114 Tangela -
Route 21
Tough Processed
#115 Kangaskhan -
Rock Tunnel
Health Processed
116.jpg 117.jpg
#116 Horsea #117 Seadra
Route eleven (Water)

Route 11 (Water)

Smart Candy Smart/Tough
118.jpg -119.jpg
#118 Goldeen #119 Seaking
Road 6 (H2o) Route vi (Water)
Mighty Processed Mighty Candy
120.jpg 121.jpg
#120 Staryu #121 Starmie
Route eighteen (H2o) Route 18 (H2o)
Quick Candy Quick Candy
#122 Mr. Mime -
Route 11
Courage Candy
#123 Scyther -
Route 14 (Pikachu Only)
Mighty Processed
#124 Jynx -
Seafoam Islands
Smart Candy
#125 Electabuzz -
Ability Plant
Quick Processed
#126 Magmar -
Pokemon Mansion
Smart Candy
#127 Pinsir -
Route 14 (Eevee Merely)
Mighty Processed
#128 Tauros -
Route 14
129.jpg 130.jpg
#129 Magikarp #130 Gyarados
Road iv Pokemon Center Road xx (Water)
Quick Candy Mighty Candy
#131 Lapras -
Silph Co. Gift
Health Candy
#132 Ditto -
Pokemon Mansion
Health Candy
133.jpg 134.jpg 135.jpg
#133 Eevee #134 Vaporeon #135 Jolteon
Road 17 Evolution Only Evolution Only
Backbone Processed Health Processed Quick Candy
#136 Flareon
Evolution Only
Mighty Candy
#137 Porygon -
Road seven
Smart Candy
138.jpg 139.jpg
#138Omanyte #139Omastar
Pokemon Lab Using Helix Fossil Development Just
Tough Processed Tough Candy
140.jpg 141.jpg
#140 Kabuto #141 Kabutops
Pokemon Lab

Using Dome Fossil

Development Only
Mighty/Tough Mighty
#142 Aerodactyl -
Pokemon Lab

Using Old Amber

Quick Candy
#143 Snorlax -
Route 12 Using Poke Flute
Wellness Candy
#144 Articuno -
Seafoam Islands
Backbone Candy
#145 Zapdos -
Power Plant
Smart Candy
#146 Moltres -
Victory Road
Smart Candy
147.jpg 148.jpg 149.jpg
#147Dratini #148 Dragonair #149 Dragonite
Route 10 (H2o) Route 10 (Water) Route i - Route 25 (Subsequently becoming Champion)
Mighty Candy Mighty Processed Mighty Candy
150.jpg -
#150 Mewtwo -
Cerulean Cave
Smart Candy
#151 Mew
Poke Brawl Plus Mystery Gift
#808 Meltan #809 Melmetal
Pokemon Get Mystery Box 400 Meltan Candy in Pokemon Go
Mighty Processed Mighty Processed

Alola Form Pokemon

These Pokemon are alternative forms of Kanto Pokemon. You can go them by Transferring Pokemon from Pokemon Go, or by trading their Kanto counter-parts to specific trainers in the world.

Alolan Rattata Alolan Raticate
Cerulean City Pokemon Centre Evolution Only
Alolan Raichu
Saffron City Pokemon Heart
Alolan Sandshrew Alolan Sandslash
Celadon City Pokemon Center (Pikachu Just) Evolution Simply
Alolan Vulpix Alolan Ninetales
Celadon City Pokemon Center (Eevee Only) Evolution Merely
Alolan Diglett Alolan Dugtrio
Lavender Boondocks Pokemon Center Evolution Only
Alolan Meowth Alolan Persian
Cinnabar Island Pokemon Centre (Eevee Simply) Evolution Only
Alolan Geodude Alolan Graveler Alolan Golem
Vermilion Urban center Pokemon Center Evolution But Evolution But
Alolan Grimer Alolan Muk
Cinnabar Island Pokemon Centre (Pikachu Only) Evolution Only
Alolan Exeggutor
Indigo Plateau Pokemon Center
Alolan Marowak
Fuchsia City Pokemon Center

Pokemon By Type

Here are all 151 Pokémon, listed by blazon. The (d) ways that they're dual type Pokémon. If you lot're looking for detailed information on the different types, including our peak picks for every type, follow this link.

#010 Caterpie
#011 Metapod
#012 Butterfree (d)
#013 Weedle
#014 Kakuna
#015 Beedrill (d)
#046 Paras (d)
#047 Parasect (d)
#048 Venonat (d)
#049 Venomoth (d)
#123 Scyther (d)
#127 Pinsir
#147 Dratini #148 Dragonair #149 Dragonite (d)
#025 Pikachu
#026 Raichu
#081 Magnemite
#082 Magneton
#100 Voltorb
#101 Electrode
#125 Electabuzz
#135 Jolteon
#145 Zapdos (d)
#056 Mankey
#057 Primeape
#062 Poliwrath (d)
#066 Machop
#067 Machoke
#068 Machamp
#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan
#004 Charmander
#005 Charmeleon
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#058 Growlithe
#059 Arcanine
#077 Ponyta
#078 Rapidash
#126 Magmar
#136 Flareon
#146 Moltres (d)
#006 Charizard (d)
#012 Butterfree (d)
#016 Pidgey (d)
#017 Pidgeotto (d)
#018 Pidgeot (d)
#021 Spearow (d)
#022 Fearow (d)
#041 Zubat (d)
#042 Golbat (d)
#083 Farfetch'd (d)
#084 Doduo (d)
#085 Dodrio (d)
#123 Scyther (d)
#130 Gyarados (d)
#142 Aerodactyl (d)
#144 Articuno (d)
#145 Zapdos (d)
#146 Moltres (d)
#149 Dragonite (d)
#092 Gastly (d) #093 Haunter (d) #094 Gengar (d)
#027 Sandshrew
#028 Sandslash
#031 Nidoqueen (d)
#034 Nidoking (d)
#050 Diglett
#051 Dugtrio
#074 Geodude (d)
#075 Graveler (d)
#076 Golem (d)
#095 Onix (d)
#104 Cubone
#105 Marowak
#111 Rhyhorn (d)
#112 Rhydon (d)
#001 Bulbasaur (d)
#002 Ivysaur (d)
#003 Venusaur (d)
#043 Oddish (d)
#044 Gloom (d)
#045 Vileplume (d)
#046 Paras (d)
#047 Parasect (d)
#069 Bellsprout (d)
#070 Weepinbell (d)
#071 Victreebel (d)
#102 Exeggcute] (d)
#103 Exeggutor (d)
#114 Tangela
Water ice
#087 Dewgong (d)
#091 Cloyster (d)
#124 Jynx (d) #131 Lapras (d) #144 Articuno (d)
#016 Pidgey (d)
#017 Pidgeotto (d)
#018 Pidgeot (d)
#019 Rattata
#020 Raticate
#021 Spearow (d)
#022 Fearow (d)
#035 Clefairy
#036 Clefable
#039 Jigglypuff
#040 Wigglytuff
#052 Meowth
#053 Persian
#083 Farfetch'd (d)
#084 Doduo (d)
#085 Dodrio (d)
#108 Lickitung
#113 Chansey
#115 Kangaskhan
#128 Tauros
#132 Ditto
#133 Eevee
#137 Porygon
#143 Snorlax
#001 Bulbasaur (d)
#002 Ivysaur (d)
#003 Venusaur (d)
#015 Beedrill (d)
#023 Ekans
#024 Arbok
#029 Nidoran Female
#030 Nidorina
#031 Nidoqueen (d)
#032 Nidoran Male
#033 Nidorino
#034 Nidoking (d)
#041 Zubat (d)
#042 Golbat (d)
#043 Oddish (d)
#044 Gloom (d)
#045 Vileplume (d)
#048 Venonat (d)
#049 Venomoth (d)
#069 Bellsprout (d)
#070 Weepinbell (d)
#071 Victreebel (d)
#072 Tentacool (d)
#073 Tentacruel (d)
#088 Grimer
#089 Muk
#092 Gastly (d)
#093 Haunter (d)
#094 Gengar (d)
#109 Koffing
#110 Weezing
#063 Abra
#064 Kadabra
#065 Alakazam
#079 Slowpoke (d)
#080 Slowbro (d)
#096 Drowzee
#097 Hypno
#102 Exeggcute (d)
#103 Exeggutor (d)
#121 Starmie (d)
#122 Mr. Mime
#124 Jynx (d)
#150 Mewtwo
#151 Mew
#074 Geodude (d)
#075 Graveler (d)
#076 Golem (d)
#095 Onix (d)
#111 Rhyhorn (d)
#112 Rhydon (d)
#138 Omanyte (d)
#139 Omastar (d)
#140 Kabuto (d)
#141 Kabutops (d)
#142 Aerodactyl (d)
#007 Squirtle
#008 Wartortle
#009 Blastoise
#054 Psyduck
#055 Golduck
#060 Poliwag
#061 Poliwhirl
#062 Poliwrath (d)
#072 Tentacool (d)
#073 Tentacruel (d)
#079 Slowpoke (d)
#080 Slowbro (d)
#086 Seel
#087 Dewgong (d)
#090 Shellder
#091 Cloyster (d)
#098 Krabby
#099 Kingler
#116 Horsea
#117 Seadra
#119 Seaking
#120 Staryu
#121 Starmie (d)
#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados (d)
#131 Lapras (d)
#134 Vaporeon
#138 Omanyte (d)
#139 Omastar (d)
#140 Kabuto (d)
#141 Kabutops (d)

Up Next: Abra

In This Wiki Guide

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Teaser Trailer

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Teaser Trailer

Watch the teaser trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, the express series headed to Disney+ on May 25.The story begins x years after the dramatic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where Obi-Wan Kenobi faced his greatest defeat-the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who turned to the dark side as evil Sith Lord Darth Vader.The series stars Ewan McGregor, reprising his part as the iconic Jedi Primary, and as well marks the return of Hayden Christensen in the role of Darth Vader. Joining the cast are Moses Ingram, Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, Kumail Nanjiani, Indira Varma, Rupert Friend, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Sung Kang, Simone Kessell, and Benny Safdie. It is directed by Deborah Grub.

Do Ultra Beasts Register In Pokedex,


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